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    5 Stars

    4.5 Stars

  1. Consume Red (1997, Ground-Zero) {90}

  2. 4 Stars

  3. Üdü Ẁüdü (1976, Magma) {80}
  4. Scream Bloody Gore (1987, Death) {80}
  5. Music for the Jilted Generation (1994, The Prodigy) {78}
  6. Time Machines (1998, Coil) {77}

  7. 3.5 Stars

  8. Pinkerton (1996, Weezer) {70}
  9. Heavy Black Frame (1999, Tram) {64}
  10. Icky Mettle (1993, Archers of Loaf) {63}

  11. 3 Stars

    2.5 Stars

  12. Smiley Smile (1967, The Beach Boys) {43}

  13. 2 Stars

  14. Ænima (1996, Tool) {38}
  15. Crookt, Crackt, or Fly (1994, Gastr del Sol) {35}

  16. 1.5 Stars

    1 Star

    .5 Star